阿 莹
Dumplings, Ah! Dumplings
By A Ying
Translated by Hu Zongfeng and Robin Gilbank
胡宗锋 罗宾·吉尔班克 译

I adored the dumplings my mother made.
Almost every weekend, my wife would inquire if we were going to Hansenzhai in the eastern suburbs of Xi’an, where my elderly parents lived. I would casually ask her what she wanted my mother to prepare for us. Breaking into a feint grin she replied: “Well, dumplings.” The cadence of that “well” conveyed everything one needed to know about our family’s attachment to the dish.
My mother took as much pleasure in making dumplings as I did in eating them. As far back as I can remember, they were a luxury to be looked forward to on New Year’s Eve. I recall that on the last day of every year, a festive atmosphere would engulf our village in the wilds of the Northern Wei Plateau. Those folks who had been busy outside would all come back home, the kids from well-off families would don new clothes, while youngsters from more humble households would shear their heads smooth and shiny, greeting one other from afar with glee. They wouldn’t exchange any small talk, but rather gallop home mysteriously, never daring to venture far from the village limits even if they had a few bronze coins with which to play games with their pals. Actually, they all were waiting for the same moment - the dishing up of the New Year’s Eve dumplings.
One peculiar custom was how the villagers referred to dumplings as “knots.” To this day, I am none the wiser about why this should be. When trading pleasantries on New Year’s Day, they would blithely ask what kind of “knot” their neighbor had eaten. “Meat knots, of course” was the response. If truth be told, my family seldom had the chance to savor such a treat. Even so, my mother knew how to improvise. She would buy a narrow offcut of meat, half of which was white fat. Slicing this into a mince she seasoned it with spring onion, chives, cabbage or radish, then sprinkled on finely-ground five spice.
Nobody knows when the practice started, but one or two of the dumplings in the wok would contain a coin pressed into the filling. Whoever bit down on it could count upon a shower of good fortune in the coming year. When the day came around, my mother would drag me surreptitiously into the kitchen and use a bamboo skimmer to fish out several “meat knots” for my bowl. These I would wolf down in the corner of the courtyard. When my young uncles spotted what I was doing, they would mither on about how they only got a serving of “veggie knots.” In fact, the knots made from tofu were more than tasty enough, for they contained a splodge of dripping, bean starch noodles, ginger, and daikon radish. A single bite would fill one’s mouth with the sweet taste of beans, a flavor that seemed to linger on the palate until the next mealtime. I cut a deal with them that I would trade two meat knots for three vegetable ones from their bowls. Not unexpectedly, one of the uncles dug his teeth down on the coin within the meaty morsel. At the resultant click, the victor erupted into a happy scream. Tears of regret welled up in my eyes and mother poked my forehead and sighed at “what a silly lad” I was. Perhaps for this reason, among the various kinds of dumplings, the tofu kind became my favorite. Sometimes when I found myself in the vicinity on official business, I would call in advance and arrange to have some laid on for me. Once back home, picked up a bowl of dumplings made by my mother, I would eat my fill of it even if I had no time to talk.
Certainly, while my mother would try her utmost to rustle up some dumplings on a Sunday, it was rare for them to have any meat inside. When she couldn’t lay her hands on meat, she would fall back on some fatty substitute. Often her fillings were a mixture of dripping, cabbage and celery. A single bite would make one’s mouth overflow with sweetness. My mother would always smile and rub her hands on her apron when we shouted “Delicious! Tasty!”
I cannot pinpoint when dumplings began to lose their attraction for us. In daily life, when friends rubbed shoulders and wined and dined each other in turn, they no longer regarded dumplings as special fare. Before our eyes, they literally vanished from the banquet table. If anybody were to treat his friends to just a bowl of dumplings, that would elicit embarrassed scorn. By now, eating dumplings has practically degenerated into a byword for stinginess.
However my mother still retained her love for dumplings and continued to cook them every week. On weekends, she would call us and ask us to come over early enough so we could help her prepare. Going back home to eat dumplings was no longer a tempting repast, but had become an act of filial piety toward our aging parents. What is more, the process was so complicated, since it involved mixing the filling, rolling out the dough and stuffing them. Half out of pity and half of a desire for novelty, I suggested that we instead eat some sort of rice dish, steamed buns or assorted stir-fry. My mother, mused over this momentarily before staring back at me with a frown and saying: “I don’t know what can be done right now. The wheat flour’s already been mixed. We can try some rice next time.” However, when the following weekend came around we were once again confronted with boiled dumplings, only the composition of the filling had been tweaked slightly. We had no choice but to yield, yet our son stood his ground and complained “not dumplings again!” Murmuring under our breath we cajoled him not to malign his grandma’s cooking out loud. In order to appease my mother, I drew up three rules for him: disdainful comments about dumplings should never be voiced in front of his grandma; no dumplings were to be left uneaten in his bowl; and asking for other dishes when dumplings were on the table was strictly forbidden.
None of these edicts had any effect. Almost every time my son visited his grandparents, he would seize upon the most trivial pretence to make others feel uncomfortable. Often, the moment we left the house he would start to argue with me with shouts or whining. A feeling of unease duly dogged me until midnight. He also deployed various methods of subterfuge. When the lunch was about to be served, he would declare that he had already eaten and put a dampener on the situation. I tried to coax him in hushed tones, describing the long history and rich nutritional value of dumplings. At the same time, I sought to persuade my mother to prepare something else and so satisfy her grandson’s cravings. My mother remained silent with a tranquil smile. If I went on this way, she would hum and nag: “If you want something different, you can come and make it yourself.” I then told my wife we were going to cook fried vegetables and rice next weekend. She just kept silent and remained dubious. I then called my mother and she did not object. So I was quite sure that we would have a sumptuous meal next weekend and told my son in advance that he should not “run away from it.”
Accompanied by my wife and kid, I carried a bagful of vegetables bought from the supermarket back to my parents’ home. In fact, nothing had changed. The delicious smell of dumpling fillings still wafted through the kitchen. My mother had followed her usual procedure, not only mixing the wheat flour for the dough, but deciding what should go inside the wrappers. On top of that, she had set the bowl of flour on top of a chopping board on the tea table. The five small stools positioned around it indicated that she was waiting for the three of us to help make our lunch.
我与妻子面面相觑,儿子朝我斜睨一眼满含嘲意,我也不好再说什么,佯装笑颜坐到母亲旁边,又示意儿子赶快坐下帮奶奶干活,一家人擀皮的擀皮,包馅的包馅,忙忙碌碌的,却没多少说笑。妻子当然知道我的尴尬,故意与父亲唠起家常,聊着聊着又聊到母亲买菜包饺子上,母亲淡淡地说这饺子要好吃,不但要 把菜选好,还要把肉与菜的比例调好,调馅过程还特别讲究,必须一边剁肉,一边往里掺鸡汤,这样的饺子才香呢。
My wife and I gazed at each other awkwardly and my son shot a contemptuous glance at me from the corner of his eye. I couldn’t say a word and simply sat beside my mother with a feigned smile. I also hinted to my son that he should sit down and lend his grandma a hand. All of us busied ourselves rolling out the dough and wrapping those tiny parcels, but remained taciturn and without a note of cheer. My wife recognised my awkwardness and made a point of chitchatting with my father about everyday life. While they were talking, the topic shifted to my mother’s method of making dumplings. Calmly and lightly, she explained that the secret lay not only in the choice of vegetables. Another critical matter was achieving the proper ratio of meat to greens. Mixing the filling required special attention, for chicken bouillon should be ladled on as the meat was being chopped. Only by executing this carefully would the resultant dumplings be succulent and delicious.
My mother suddenly asked me whether what she had just said was correct or not. I was so absorbed in rolling the dough and my eyes were focused squarely on my hands. On hearing these words, I cocked up my head and I saw how her eyes were fixed on me. Oh, how the skin on her face slackened, and her neck too. Deep and shallow wrinkles crisscrossed her epidermis. Some dark spots appeared on her face, and those eyes which had originally been clear became somewhat turbid. My heart was stung and I wanted to say something but did not know how to respond. The dough I was rolling became elongated and then stubby, thick and then thin. Everyone shouted: “Look at what you’re doing to it!”
Sensing the emotions surging through me, my mother said something I shall never forget as long as I live. While wrapping the dumplings, she seemingly murmured to herself: “Your pa and ma are old, no longer have much appetite. Whether the dumplings are delicious or not boils down to our mood at the time. So wonderful to have all the family sitting around making them like this. We can chat as we work. What’s so special about rice? After preparing for a whole day or two, you eat up, wipe your mouth and go away. You don’t even have the mood to talk.” My wife and I were stunned. Mother then sighed softly: “You’ll know this when your turn comes.”
I raised my head and watched my mother again. Her cloudy eyes seemed brighter and clearer, now emanating a peculiar longing and sense of attachment. Eating dumplings is all a matter of mood! Oh, heavens! Why hadn’t I thought of this before? The maestro of all cuisine that she was, we presumed that the old lady should lavish a host of different dishes on her beloved son and grandson. In actual fact, she was loath to miss the opportunity for the family to join together as one. She yearned to be able to stir up a merry and festive atmosphere, and sup in all the gaiety and love that life could yield. In the first instance, it might only be a meal. To my parents it was a celebration of sorts.
That day I rolled the dough painstakingly and the others wrapped at a gentle pace too. Every last dumpling was an artisan masterpiece, fashioned like a series of dainty spirals on the steaming frame. On studying their delicate and graceful composition, I was hesitant to even tip them into the wok. I had never appreciated how those tiny pouches could carry such a palette of taste. The tenderness of affection between kindred elevated their flavor to the sublime. Both my wife and son praised the dumplings that day, though my mind was not on how they tasted. “What’s up, dad?” my son asked me. I lifted my head and saw in the mirror how my eyes were now moist. I brushed it off by saying that I had accidentally rubbed some pepper into them.
It slips my mind what the filling was that day. Still I can recall most vividly how heartily my mother and my father enjoyed their bowl of dumplings.